Shivani Tyagi

Shivani Tyagi a professional lawyer from Delhi, famously known as Shivornia an Artist is a trending photographer on Instagram. Shivornia was born in Delhi, India in 1995. Her unique style of photography was featured on the biggest and best photography pages of Instagram appreciating her unique style of photography. Some of them include photographers of India, official photographers hub and there are many more.

Shivani Tyagi

She was awarded the best photographer in tecnoshinelight contest hosted by TECNO mobile on Instagram. 
Her aesthetic photography collection is also live on Getty images partnered with eyeemBeside photography. Shivornia is also a writer and her literary mind wrote many beautiful poems on personal as well as social issues. "Women in me and women in you, Eyes and No one fucking know were amongst her recent poems which were very much appreciated by her followers on Instagram. Don't get fooled by the looks as this girl is also a shayar.

When asked from where did she learned all these skills from. She indeed had a witty reply - Anton Chekhov once said don't tell me the moon is shining. Show me the glint of light on a broken glass.- "I am that glint of light on a broken glass Anton Chekhov was referring to"
Which basically meant she needed no certificate to showcase her talent. It was within her and she displayed it well.

Shivornia surely knows how to celebrate the beauty of life. Her picturesque style can also be seen on her TikTok channel. A channel dedicated to nature and life. Her muse being nature she makes videos in a very modern and artful way.

She often refers to herself as a photographer without a DSLR. As Amazing and gorgeous her page is, it is difficult to believe that she just uses her mobile to capture it all. To which she says it's the talent that counts not how modern the tools are.

Shivani is an active supporter of animal rights and an active member of PETA.
She has been a vegetarian from birth and lives with her beautiful family in Delhi India.

Shivornia has a long way to go and aspires to work with TLC or NatGeo someday. 

#shivorniaphotography #shivanityagi #shivornia